Full Training Package
$399 investment at signup (includes 6-month business membership).
$55 monthly business membership dues begin after 6 months.
Business membership includes business services, insurance, support and leads.
Cancel Anytime with No Penalty.
Economy Training Program ×
Membership Agreement
By clicking on the membership box, I authorize and allow in a card-absent environment for US Home Inspector Training to charge my credit card in the amount of $249 for my training period and after month one you will be an independent contractor and part of our network at $55/month. Cancel anytime. This gives you an ongoing membership with our organization. If payments are missed US Home Inspector Training is allowed to remove me as a member and I will stop using any materials received from US Home Inspector Training as well as I will stop using Home Inspectors of _____my state_____ (ex. California) or any other DBA name associated with US Home Inspector Training as a company I represent.
Cancellation is allowed at any time with email notice 2 days prior to billing. No penalties for termination of contract are in place. Because of the electronic nature of the product and the proprietary attachments you receive, you agree by clicking to accept this agreement, as your electronic signature, that there are no refunds and no credit card disputes allowed at any time as a member of US Home Inspector Training. If a recurring payment is declined, I authorize US Home Inspector Training to continue to try to collect payment for the monthly dues using the card # provided as often as they choose until the balance is paid current. No new terms or conditions can be added or subtracted without express written consent of US Home Inspector Training and you the member.
Full Training Program ×
Membership Agreement
By clicking on the membership box, I authorize and allow in a card-absent environment for US Home Inspector Training to charge my credit card in the amount of $399 for training and after month one you will be an independent contractor and part of our network free for six months, a $330 value! This gives you an ongoing membership with our organization. If payments are missed US Home Inspector Training is allowed to remove me as a member and I will stop using any materials received from US Home Inspector Training as well as I will stop using Home Inspectors of _____my state_____ (ex. California) or any other DBA name associated with US Home Inspector Training as a company I represent.
Cancellation is allowed at any time with email notice 2 days prior to billing. No penalties for termination of contract are in place. Because of the electronic nature of the product and the proprietary attachments you receive, you agree by clicking to accept this agreement, as your electronic signature, that there are no refunds and no credit card disputes allowed at any time as a member of US Home Inspector Training. If a recurring payment is declined, I authorize US Home Inspector Training to continue to try to collect payment for the monthly dues using the card # provided as often as they choose until the balance is paid current. No new terms or conditions can be added or subtracted without express written consent of US Home Inspector Training and you the member.
Online Training Course ×
Membership Agreement
By clicking on the membership box, I authorize and allow in a card-absent environment for US Home Inspector Training to charge my credit card in the amount of $99 monthly for my training period of 90 days and after 60 days you will be an independent contractor and part of our network. These ninety days and 3 payments of $99 are required with no refunds or early termination. After 90 days a $55/month membership is activated to be part of our inspector network and to maintain insurance and benefits. Cancel anytime with no penalty after 90 days. This gives you an ongoing membership with our organization. If payments are missed US Home Inspector Training is allowed to remove me as a member and I will stop using any materials received from US Home Inspector Training as well as I will stop using Home Inspectors of ____my state____ (ex. California) or any other DBA name associated with US Home Inspector Training as a company I represent.
Cancellation is allowed at any time after 90 days with email notice 2 days prior to billing. No penalties for termination of contract are in place beyond the 90-day training period. Because of the electronic nature of the product and the proprietary attachments you receive, you agree by clicking to accept this agreement, as your electronic signature, that there are no refunds and no credit card disputes allowed at any time as a member of US Home Inspector Training. If a recurring payment is declined, I authorize US Home Inspector Training to continue to try to collect payment for the monthly dues using the card # provided as often as they choose until the balance is paid. No new terms or conditions can be added or subtracted without express written consent of US Home Inspector Training and you the member.
Complete Training Program ×
Membership Agreement
By clicking on the membership box, I authorize and allow in a card-absent environment for US Home Inspector Training to charge my credit card in the amount of $599 for training and after month one you will be an independent contractor and part of our network FREE for 18 months. This $55 a month value during this time saves you and additional $400 off the regular price! Your membership also is set at $39 for life after your first 18 months. Saving you an additional $200/year! Cancel anytime, this is our best value, as anyone will try a new career for at least this length of time and just 2 inspections during this time pays for it ALL! Cancel anytime, no penalties! If payments are missed US Home Inspector Training is allowed to remove me as a member and I will stop using any materials received from US Home Inspector Training as well as I will stop using Home Inspectors of _____my state_____ (ex. California) or any other DBA name associated with US Home Inspector Training as a company I represent.
Cancellation is allowed at any time with email notice 2 days prior to billing. No penalties for termination of contract are in place. Because of the electronic nature of the product and the proprietary attachments you receive, you agree by clicking to accept this agreement, as your electronic signature, that there are no refunds and no credit card disputes allowed at any time as a member of US Home Inspector Training. If a recurring payment is declined, I authorize US Home Inspector Training to continue to try to collect payment for the monthly dues using the card # provided as often as they choose until the balance is paid current. No new terms or conditions can be added or subtracted without express written consent of US Home Inspector Training and you the member.
Classes by State